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Facing The Political Facts: You’re Not Entitled To Your Own

Society has countless unwritten laws or procedures that most of us abide by without even thinking about it.


Society has countless unwritten laws or procedures that most of us abide by without even thinking about it. When I was a kid, facts were facts and there was nothing you could do about that. Today, it seems like people need this explained and get offended if challenged or fact-checked. Deal with it, kids! Do you want to know how we got away with speaking our minds about facts we wish weren’t true while preserving the information so it doesn’t get altered? We would comment on them, with a great deal of sarcasm and heavy scoffing. People will always have an opinion, but let’s not mess with reality simply because it doesn’t fit your opinion at the moment. Use it as an outlet and a platform to strengthen your debate or perhaps to see the world through a different set of eyes. Enjoy our list of 2022-23 facts and our commentary!

Worldwide Political Facts About News 2022-2023

  1. Consumers Witnessing False Information Worldwide 2023:
    • Well, it seems like we’re all playing a global game of “Spot the Fake News.” Maybe we need a referee with a fact-checking whistle?
  2. Leading figures and institutions criticizing news worldwide 2022:
    • Ah, the prestigious annual “Who Can Criticize the News the Loudest” competition. Spoiler alert: politicians usually take home the trophy.
  3. Reasons for news avoidance worldwide in 2022:
    • Avoiding the news? Must be part of the new “Information Detox” trend. Because who needs current events when you can have blissful ignorance?
  4. Most visited conservative websites in the U.S. 2023:
    • Clearly, conservatives have the internet on their side. Maybe the websites are just that good, or maybe they have a secret handshake for exclusive access.
  5. YoY visitor development of leading conservative websites in the U.S. 2023:
    • Conservatives are not just evolving politically; they’re evolving digitally. It’s like survival of the fittest websites out there.
  6. Opinion on the effects of AI-written news in the U.S. 2023, by party ID:
    • So, AI is now part of the newsroom? Watch out for headlines like “Robo-Reporter Takes Over, Predicts a 100% Chance of Robot Uprising.”
  7. Most trusted sources of general news worldwide 2011-2023:
    • Trust in the news? That’s so last decade. Now we trust our Magic 8-Balls for updates on current events. “Signs point to a 50% chance of rain and a 100% chance of sensationalism.”
  8. U.S. voters who believe national news attempts to mislead the public:
    • Only 32% think national news misleads? Well, that’s a glass-half-full perspective. The other 68% are just taking a scenic route to the truth.
  9. Democrats who feel there is a great deal of political bias in news: 33%
    • Are Democrats detecting bias? It’s like finding Waldo – sometimes challenging, but they’re committed to the search.
  10. Republicans who feel there is a great deal of political bias in the news: 79%
    • Republicans, on the other hand, have their bias-detection goggles permanently affixed. It’s all about seeing the world through red-colored glasses.